My loves

My  loves
Our family

Friday, December 17, 2010

Hannah, maybe no more dialysis!

I am afraid to say this out loud, but the kidney dr was in and said this was probably Hannah's last dialysis treatment!!!!    Her urine output is way up and her levels are slowly going down but the urine output will help with that.  She said we will see how the weekend goes.  She is having a lot of seizures this afternoon but her phenobarb level is very low, it is dialyzed out.  They are giving it to her IV after dialysis instead of liquid.  they have also stopped her gabitril (a seizure med) to see how it goes..she gets 4 seizure meds and still has seizures.  they figured it was a good time while she was here watching her.  Although we watch her more a home than they can here :)  with that many meds it's hard to tell which are working which ones aren't.
Her pancreas levels are getting better too, they are changing her formula rate to get in a few more calories.  With Hannah there is a fine line between gaining and losing weight.  They are stopping the one antibiotic and the other one should be ending soon.
  Thanks for the continued prayers for us!  the nurses all comment on how calm I am and I told them it's because there are so many people praying for me too and I choose to be content while I am here. 
  I just realized that one week from today is Christmas Eve.  There is nothing like being in the hospital this close to Christmas to celebrate the real meaning of Christmas.  I have done a little shopping, I have finished for taylor (she is the most important one! :)  and most of Chuck's stocking stuffers but if nothing else gets bought I am not going to stress about it!
  the hardest part for us being here an extra week is that hannah's nurses aren't able to work for us...we miss them and I want to thank Mary for coming and sitting with Hannah so I could get out yesterday!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I always hated being in the hospital around Christmas. I dont know if you guys will get to be home in time or not but I sure hope so!!