Hannah is now 14 years old...she has more than passed her life expectancy that was given when she was born...the Lord is the one who has gotten her where she is now..hard to believe my baby is 14yo but she is still my easiest teen! Our friend Peggy painted her room for her birthday..its a really nice bright green color..we also put a new front door on the house on her bd...we were able to take down the storm door so now we only have 1 door with her wheelchair so that makes it better for her and for me!
Chuck and I finally got a chance to get away overnight this past weekend...it was nice to get out of our normal routine even though it really wasn't long enough :)
We stopped the new seizure med, I didn't like the way it made hannah with the side effects...she was hyper all the time, constantly moving and not sleeping during the day...that is still not back to normal but she just had her last dose saturday night. Her seizures are about the same...this week we do have nursing coverage every night, Praise the Lord \o/ we do have a new nurse for friday nights..she seems to fit in well...
looks like we may have to find another nurse, Alice got hurt at another case and is in a lot of pain...she has too see her dr tomorrow and we think he is going to put her on disability. For the next 2 weeks she is only here 1 day but starting Aug 1 she is supposed to do 3 days a week here...so pray that they will be able to find a replacement if that happens. One of our old nurses would like to come back but she is the primary nurse on another case so the timing is not good.
I read on another blog about getting paid to advertise on blogs for different products, I laughed when I read hers about medical things (thanks Holly :)I could have made a fortune in the last 14 years with all the different things we have tried and used for Hannah LOL
Taylor is 10 months old now...she has been taking a few steps and can stand alone for a few minutes but when she realizes it she sits down :) It's getting hard to feed her, she breaks out when she eats any fruit but bananas and gets sick with milk products...the funny thing is her mommy never liked bananas even as a baby and still doesn't and they are taylor's favorite :) her favorite toy is her walk behind/ride on car...she pushes it sideways everywhere! she looks like a little old lady pushing her walker. I keep trying to get new pics of her but she is either moving too much or grabs for the camera. I will try to get some new pics up soon.
I realize how blessed I am...thanks for praying for us....