Hannah is doing about the same with everything. I am having a hard time getting on here to update now that Hannah and Taylor keep me so busy :) Seizures are still the same, and the secretions are so thick as usual with the weather changing so much! We are still cathing her urine 4 times a day.
I am so thankful that jenn & bob will be here for Christmas, they are arriving today. They couldn't come for Thanksgiving. Having them here and Taylor add to the excitment. She is getting a lot more fun to play with now that she gets excited about toys and people :) We are very blessed. That is why I call my blog joansblessings
I got this request from another CB friend Molly's mom.
I think it's neat that my Hannah is Hannah Grace and this little girl is Hannah Faith \o/
I came across a story of a beautiful girl named Hannah Faith. Hannah has a special Christmas wish that I thought all our readers could help with and if any of our other caringbridge friends want to pass it along to their readers, feel free. When I went on her website, I immediately was attached, it’s FROGS!
Here is her story, written by a family friend:
Many of you may remember my dear friend, Chris Garman, who lost her battle with breast cancer 2 years ago. When she was first diagnosed with breast cancer, she was pregnant with her third child. Her doctors didn't think Chris would live through her pregnancy without treatment, so they took a chance & gave her chemo while she was pregnant. Chris survived her pregnancy & had a beautiful, healthy little girl named Hannah Faith. Chris died when Hannah was three.
Hannah was diagnosed in October with glioblastoma multiforme, a rare and incurable brain tumor. She has been given 12 weeks to live without treatment and 11 months if treated with radiation. Right now she has lost most of her motor skills. She is confined to bed and cannot really do anything or play with the gifts she is getting from people, but she LOVES getting cards - she has gotten so many from people she does not know and just loves to have grandma read about the people
who send them and see their pictures and is so proud of all her cards.
Her room is just filled with cards.
When asked what she wants for Christmas she said she wants to see how many Christmas cards she can get. Many people have passed this wish along to their churches, prayer groups, friends and family. There are school
groups where children are making her cards. People are including pictures so she can see who it is that is sending her the card.
If you would like to help with her wish, you can send a card to her at:
Hannah Garman
259 N Reading Rd
Ephrata, Pa 17522
**Hannah’s dad requested the cards be sent to his work address since they are receiving so many cards at their house.
THANKS! Feel free to pass this along to your own prayer group, church, school, etc. Let's see if we can have the cards coming in big postal bags for her this Christmas, since it will be her last holiday.
P.S. You can also send my email to anyone you forward this to, if they
have questions. sheripie@hotmail.com
Read more about Hannah, see pics, & stay updated on her progress at
Please pray for this special family. Her dad seems amazing and is even positive and grateful, despite what he is facing. Through this journey, God has given me the opportunity to learn of so many courageous people. Sometimes, I am just in awe, This is one of those times.
Have a great weekend!
thanks again for the continued prayers and may you have a blessed Christmas and New Year!